By bike

Fattibello Valley Ring

A wakeup call, a rich breakfast of marinated fish accompanied by two shots of red wine, just the right amount of calories to start the day. Get on your bicycle around 10:00, ride about 5 Km to the Stazione Foce - we suggest you take the north bank of the saltpans which is a natural oasis where pink flamingos nest and over 300 species of bird temporarily rest.
Follow the embankment going past the floodgate - nearby is a lookout tower giving you a splendid view of the Saltpans of comacchio. Continue on passing under a bridge of the Romea 309 highway taking you to Lido Estensi.
Now you are at the sea where a wide choice of restaurants will wet your appetite, from piadina to oysters and champagne. 50 cent for you + bike on the ferry to cross the canal harbor of Porto Garibaldi. as soon as you get off the ferry, a good idea would be to grap an ice cream while walking along the port channel and a visit to the fish market hall-the auction of the day's catch begins at 15:00am, an old ritual that still regulates fish trade :after this, back to Comacchio along the bicycle lane. Once home, if you still have any energy and feel like it, you should visit the Manifattura dei Marinati , where eel was once processed: the old factory was recently restructured and is operational in the winter season. To close your day, why not have a cocktail at Bar Ragno the the Loggia del Grano and a well-deserved dinner naturally of eel specialities and local products.


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